
Womens Embodiment Circle

A beautiful opportunity to take time for yourself to connect to your body, sisterhood and the seasons.

Gathering in circle for meditation, sharing and movement. Led by Kali Retallack.

Next Circle March 23rd 3-6pm.

Gecko Hall, Currumbin.

Support your body to transition into autumn in this yin yoga workshop with Kali.
Sink into two hours of yin yoga and a nourishing sound healing in savasana.

Crafted lovingly to support the body to transition from late summer to autumn.
Kali will draw on the wisdom of Chinese medicine, working with yin yoga poses
corresponding to the earth and metal elements.

The earth element is related to late summer and governs the spleen and stomach meridians. To help the body transition out of summer we will stretch through the feet, inner thighs and front of hips for a sense of grounding and nourishment.

The metal element is related to the season autumn and governs the lung and large intestine meridians. To welcome this element, we will stretch through the arms, shoulders, chest and side body, allowing us to relax, release and let go of what no longer serves us.

Leave the workshop feeling peaceful, relaxed and lighter.
March 9th 1.30-3.30pm. Ritual Yoga and Pilates, Robina Studio.